A Meeting in the Ice

He! Our Noble Lord and Leader~ True, Eternal, and Just! Maintains the equilibrium his sword shall ne’er rust!

Eyes of piercing ice, within a raging flame! His pupils square and animate, He is separate from the same.

Thee Master did to me approach, in His Illuminated Disk. BleSSing with His right hand, he spoke to me like this…

“Within this realm of suffering, this samsara, this veil of tears. Thou must destroy iniquity and combat all thy fears!

Look deep into thy very soul, and upon death meditate. Of flattery do rid thyself, and maintain a mindful state.

In this yuga- this iron age, now at its grand summation. One needs be in True Purity to repel its infiltration!

Let not the demon be thy guide, for this thy mind keep crystal clear! Initiate the Anahat! Not one devil shalt thou fear!

Let The Flame of Phosphorous guide you through this age of night. Combat the inner enemy with Thee Good Gods Holy Light!

For this is a hidden Combat, which mediocre eyes do never see. A combat against the lesser which exists in you and me!

For many think they’ve vanquished this enemy inside! But remain enchained to this world long after they have died.

So grab the reigns of Devadatta and ride across the sky! For we the Hero’s of Thee Lord, Realized will never die!”




Televisioned Tradition

TV! The spectacle of stupidity!

The show is on! The show is on! You’ve waited all week for this treat. A half an hour long advert for social engineering. But its all in good fun. It’s okay because somewhere in there a tiny spark of tradition can be gleaned with a good amount of intellectual dishonesty and wishful thinking. And that makes it okay because the show is on!

Ways of Men

The age in which “the ways of men” are spoken of by sodomites who strive to be men on the outside, for their prediliction to have sex with other men confuses them and in their quest to find their fathers they become degenerate. You may kick my ass, but still I am initiate! I am twice born! You are still looking for yourself in a cartoon of masculinity.

Tardition and The Golden One

I recently watched a “vlog” by some retarded “traditionalist” who calls himself “the golden one”. A meathead who reads Evola, Geunon, Archeofuturism, and I have to assume Dugin.

This person is a perfect example of what “traditionalism” has become. A steroided homosexual barbarian cosplay. (Cosplay for those who do not know is where fans of Japanese cartoons dress up as their favorite cartoon character.) Its not about perfecting the self as spoken of in the Gita, nor about really “riding the tiger”. It has become a fashion show of externals. Its about moustaches, beards, and pipes. Looking some part, not being on a path of self discovery.

Everyone in this ” movement” feels themselves the great leader, supremely intelligent and a mighty warrior or homemaker whatever the case may be. Yet these mighty warriors have passed no tests of true endurance, and your bench weight doesn’t count as an initiatory endurance. In short traditionalism has become everything it was supposedly set up against. Lesser selfish being,fakery and ego worship. The unknown man who has overcome poverty, addiction, etc. Whatever the case may be is far more an aristocrat of the soul than 90% of those who bear some dissimulated label called “traditionalism”.

Thee Law

Love the past, not for the mere fact of its past but for the very fact that it was the true existence in the spirit, as well as the material.


Every action presumes a horizon of values – when we act we either want to make our lives a little better, or prevent it from getting worse. Human beings are created as social creatures always pulling together. Working as units they accomplish a lot more together than they could on their own. Thus people in pre- postmodernism, naturally thinking and acting in terms of collectives discovered farming, & animal domestication. They settled and soon formed villages, towns, and cities. From tribal life arose more distinct and larger races of folk. From the warrior/ hunters arose the toughest, and wisest forming the warrior, and priest classes (this is of course a most simplistic explanation, yet true.). Those who by deed very justly became the ruling classes, those who set precedence, and law. From all the folk arose the culture of a nation. And yes there was corruption, but there was a true Law that held the world together, and this Law is still as true, and as viable today, as it always is, and always will be.


Today, people watch the news and see their ‘leaders’ giving nice answers to questions those leaders were not asked. Many tire of arguing in terms of ideologies such as ‘Socialist’, ‘Liberal’, ‘Capitalist’, ‘Conservative’- of conceiving the political world as a clash between Progressive and Conservative forces, all this is false and deluded. To be Progressive necessarily entails the question: “In progression towards what?” And just what are these CON-servatives conserving? They are a force for entropy just as virulent as the liberals. In the days of chivalry a man was liberal, and conservative all at once,  these words meant far different things than the modern lingo of deconstructionism. To find truth in this age of disinformation, and misinformation we need consult the words of Great men and traditions from our past if we are to make sense of where we are going at all, yet we do not want to get stuck on their words alone. We must through spiritual discipline come into our own understandings and intuition to speak of these truths in our own words. And we see open up before us this very truth about the Law mentioned previously. This is not the Law of the jungle, and most assuredly not an idea like all political systems today; it is an all present reality a metaphysical truth of governance, and the human soul.


The leaders of the folk, warriors they were, rode at the front of the line for they were the children of the Sun, illuminating and eternal,  had no fear of death. They did their duty with glory and honor – today their descendents are servants of the pencil pusher, and the puppets of the money-men who have created a world wherein lays naught but the power of mammon! We are allowing our modern means of life to turn us into herd animals – always following the latest hypes of fashion, watching the most popular television, and videos on our tweet machines . . .


Meanwhile the relations between people are growing ever shallower; we have forgotten the great questions of life in exchange for that cool tweet, that shallow and empty sound bite.  Despite our technological pursuits our happiness is not increased – by contrast people are taking more antidepressants than ever. People like these rather require that they meet acquaintances with referral to a sort of internal script. If a ‘conversation’ goes off-script at all they are totally shocked and, furthermore, they are angered at the other participant for not obeying the strict social politically correct rules which bind us.


Here in the fallen world do the sophists slide up and down the chair of power!  A puppet show displayed to give the feeling of control, while the opposite is the fact! We are ruled by an order that is essentially incompatible with a vocabulary that can formulate the question of that order’s legitimacy in non-subjective terms. This is a very important and complicated problem that goes back upon the contract-philosophy and the Postmodern view of life.


There is no clear-cut answer to offer as we first strive to formulate the appropriate way of asking the question. In this we should all be involved. But at least we are willing to face the existence of the problem: That our once glorious people are rapidly becoming a mob of flaky, atomistic, whimsical and short-term thinking individuals. Swiftly dropping left, and right those glorious traditions taught, and maintained by classical education. Trading in the purposeful, focused way of masters, for the fleeting and unfocused way of “choice”. And this we cannot call ‘Freedom’ – because human nature herein is not free to fulfill its transcendent purpose, and achieve its full potential when surrounded by shallow people. Our relations to others become increasingly empty and vacuous, while all things are interconnected, the human is disconnected from the truth about themselves, and connected to, and wholly invested in the great lies they have “chosen” from the choice of the one they have been given.


Yet all believe in the illusion of ‘Freedom’ and safety set up by their masters. The path of safety trodden, and the ideal is sacrificed for the comfort of the masses, for this convenience is their right! The nihilist world of excess, with the goal of suicide, a world slipping further into entropy- the anti paradise. The dystopian age of disinformation and psychic enslavement.

Arise from the slumber! As the lion roar against the foes of our folk, yet be humble elsewhere. Live not as a zombie embalmed by the cathode ray, but as the hero who lives for the glory of light… the Sun! The standard bearers of the Solar Standard, those who walk the path of virtuous living! The torch bearers of the ancient, and Sacred nobility of the Soul!


Alexander Maximilian

7/07/2012 anno Domini