Armanen Futhark: Runes of the New Aeon

I use the Armanen Futhark in my Magik Rites and Invocations. It’s a very potent Rune row, not a traditional rune row in the slightest. It doesn’t claim to be traditional. It is claimed to be revealed. However, it has been tried and tested by Magicians of all sorts to great affect and effect.

I saw some thread on reddit concerning this rune row and how it isn’t “real”, not historical, “wrong,” and whatnot. These pagans, these politically correct corporate complying, virtue signaling “pagans”, or materialistic historians lack every insight into paganism and Magik as well. They truly lack the idea that the world is inundated with spirits. Spirits who can affect and effect things, and All is connected by the web of the Fates. So ideas are not our own. Rather, we are the vehicle of Mind by which thoughts and ideas arise in us from that vast ocean of consciousness. So these sorts of things can be discovered or rediscovered. A Mystic who is greatly connected to the Land and the Spirits thereof, which are the spirits of his kin, could easily channel a new row and a new method. Or an ancient method hitherto unknown, rediscovered. These “pagans” are not removed from the christian, humanist, materialistic, and “scientific” narrative of society. Therefore, real magik is foreign to them. Unfortunately, they have been drawn to the Gods for all the wrong political reasons. And we can see this reflected in the humanistic neoliberal values they espouse. Thusly when they see von Lists’ Armanen Rune row, they can only deconstruct as they have been taught in their terrible miseducation. They are not spiritual nor magikal. They are bad political actors drawn to paganism as a rebellion against the supposed mainstream, politicizing their brand of watered-down neopaganism yet accuse anyone of the “right wing” of the same “politicization”, or call the Armanen rune row “fake” as a means to discredit them. However, the original neopagan movements were folkish, and while liberal in some moral ways they were certainly not politically liberal. Pagan/Heathen societies did not espouse equality and inclusion in the manner these subversives fantasize. Locality, kinship of blood, family, and Tradition were the bedrock of Pagan peoples of the past, and it was ibviously inportant to those who explored the revival of old pagan ideas, beliefs, and rituals. Though much of it is “made up.” So their point is mute as its merely a marxist deconstruction attack on a proven Runic system due to its connection to Germanic Romanticism and National Socialism.

Now onto the validity of the Armanen Rune row. It is Real, being revealed to the Magico-Mystic Guido von List prior to the revealing of Wotans incarnated presence in Germany just a few years later. These Runes were the talismanic adornments of the Sacred Reichs liturgical ceremonies, and on the uniforms and banners of the Men who were Initiates as Warrior Priests of the SS. These Runes are not unreal, nor “made up”, nor bunk. These Runes have been revealed to a mystic in contemplation, and Initiated into being by a great War and the Sacred Warriors who bore them in war, in Total War! By blood, fire, and death, these symbols were consecrated and activated! They are the Magikal Futhark of Ragnarok! The Twilight of the Gods, and even more! These Magikal Runes are talismanic psychic weapons to break through into the New Aeon once the finale of this great purification we are experiencing is commenced. Those who have initiated themselves with these Runic frequencies will obtain the Graal. They will become the Immortal UFO men and with their She united in Spirit merged in a green fire and for an Eternity be bound in Perfection.

Armanen Rune Wreath

The Gods are Blood, Iron, Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Wrath! They are Might and Elitism, they are NOT equitable, they are not liberal nor are they conservative, they are POWER and WILL! They are Nature and the True Power of Evolution! Evolution as a spiritual combat against the forces of involution and counter-initiation! And the Gods will split the sheild of the mass neurotics of modern society! May the jaws of the Dragon swallow them up!!!


J. Alexander

Love is a Fire!

The great procession ov thee ages. Forward into death, and oblivion to be reformed and destroyed again and again. Each incarnation absolutely unaware of ones previous which may even have been in the future! Such is the paradox of this unreality. Linear time only exists in the imprisoned mind. The awakened mind while physically incarnate is also physically attached to the illusion ov time while psychically and spiritually they are able to move through time at Will. One can by using the meditation I posted earlier experience ones bones within the earth from past or future incarnations as we have shed numerous vehicles throughout our imprisonment within the phenomenal world.

What is this world? This world of phenomenon. Well it certainly is not “Real”. It seems real to the mind which has not yet broken the bondage of equating one’s self to the things which surround you, or to the swirling emotions which arise in connection to ones attachment to said things! By Love this can be accomplished. Now when I speak ov Love, AmorĂ© or other such sentiments, I am not speaking of flimsy emotions which arise and fall according to situations. Rather this Love is the overwhelming force which propels the Angelic seeker through their various conflicts and pains toward Gnosis. This Love is Thee greatest force in the Cosmos! It is the Flame within the Twin Hearts ov Kristos/Virgo which unite in the heart of the Angelic Spirit forcing it upward into the Supernal realms. This Love is a War cry! It is not passive nor non violent. In its very being it acts in violence toward the illusions and the lie. It seeks actively the eradication of all things which belong to the world! Its sentiment is the great longing for Origin which inspires the greatest of hatreds, Holy Hatred against the chains of injustice which bind the Angelic Beings ov Light to the machine and the vampires therein. May our Love bring the dewy light of that emerald ray upon us to cover us like the mantle of Thee Virgin. May our Hatred sever the last link we have to this endless recycling machine. And with that may this Hatred die and Love increase like a flame ever rising upward into Paradise!!!

Ave Lucifer~Venus!

Ave Kristos~Virgo!

Ave Phosphorous~Isis!



We Are That Which We Seek! We Are Parsival! We Are Lohengrin!

The way of the postmodern illusion of existence, souls aimless, greatly attached to things, yet disconnected from themselves, their folk, and nature… spiraling into chaos and self annihilation.
Many railing against the perceived threats all about them. “What can we do!?” They cry out in great spiritual pain. “We must rise! We must fight!” They declare from their tunnel visioned perspective.

In all actuality … naught can be done to physically attack the golem behemoth from outside, it thrives on the powerless, vain attempts in attacking it, the beast infuses their aggressive energy into itself, returning the blows in legislative, and martial action. It lives due to the force of false revolution, the aimless angst of the people is its nourishment. Attached, seeking, desperate, angry, anxiety ridden.

The path laid open to us, the Saint-Chevalier of the age is that which is called “Thee Greater Holy War”. Wherein we as the practitioners of chivalry today fight against the deceptive devil that dwells in our own selves. Here is where the front-lines lie. Herein is where the hope of victory is.

In a world of thoughtless automatons existing for temporal and fleeting pleasures, ruled over by a vampiric gluttonous hoard of hoarders, and mercantile Mammons who being soulless, are swift to annihilate anything and anyone who stands apart from their materialist chains of consumerism. Our greatest weapon of war is Self knowledge, piety, and humility. Destroy that in thyself which empowers the black magicians and their illusions. Detach from “things” and reconnect into the vast interconnection of the Divine force of creation! Turn off and away from the tabernacle of Ahriman/ Mammon, and turn inward, selflessly. And kill the demons evoked in thy self over the years by others external opinions. Invoke the Light, and Thee Angelic forces to assist thee in thy rising. Rise! Rise! Rise! Pay no mind to the temptations of Satan’s servitors! As the Holy Knight thou are, fight without ceasing the inner, and then that which is external to thy soul shall be as nothing,Image