Armanen Futhark: Runes of the New Aeon

I use the Armanen Futhark in my Magik Rites and Invocations. It’s a very potent Rune row, not a traditional rune row in the slightest. It doesn’t claim to be traditional. It is claimed to be revealed. However, it has been tried and tested by Magicians of all sorts to great affect and effect.

I saw some thread on reddit concerning this rune row and how it isn’t “real”, not historical, “wrong,” and whatnot. These pagans, these politically correct corporate complying, virtue signaling “pagans”, or materialistic historians lack every insight into paganism and Magik as well. They truly lack the idea that the world is inundated with spirits. Spirits who can affect and effect things, and All is connected by the web of the Fates. So ideas are not our own. Rather, we are the vehicle of Mind by which thoughts and ideas arise in us from that vast ocean of consciousness. So these sorts of things can be discovered or rediscovered. A Mystic who is greatly connected to the Land and the Spirits thereof, which are the spirits of his kin, could easily channel a new row and a new method. Or an ancient method hitherto unknown, rediscovered. These “pagans” are not removed from the christian, humanist, materialistic, and “scientific” narrative of society. Therefore, real magik is foreign to them. Unfortunately, they have been drawn to the Gods for all the wrong political reasons. And we can see this reflected in the humanistic neoliberal values they espouse. Thusly when they see von Lists’ Armanen Rune row, they can only deconstruct as they have been taught in their terrible miseducation. They are not spiritual nor magikal. They are bad political actors drawn to paganism as a rebellion against the supposed mainstream, politicizing their brand of watered-down neopaganism yet accuse anyone of the “right wing” of the same “politicization”, or call the Armanen rune row “fake” as a means to discredit them. However, the original neopagan movements were folkish, and while liberal in some moral ways they were certainly not politically liberal. Pagan/Heathen societies did not espouse equality and inclusion in the manner these subversives fantasize. Locality, kinship of blood, family, and Tradition were the bedrock of Pagan peoples of the past, and it was ibviously inportant to those who explored the revival of old pagan ideas, beliefs, and rituals. Though much of it is “made up.” So their point is mute as its merely a marxist deconstruction attack on a proven Runic system due to its connection to Germanic Romanticism and National Socialism.

Now onto the validity of the Armanen Rune row. It is Real, being revealed to the Magico-Mystic Guido von List prior to the revealing of Wotans incarnated presence in Germany just a few years later. These Runes were the talismanic adornments of the Sacred Reichs liturgical ceremonies, and on the uniforms and banners of the Men who were Initiates as Warrior Priests of the SS. These Runes are not unreal, nor “made up”, nor bunk. These Runes have been revealed to a mystic in contemplation, and Initiated into being by a great War and the Sacred Warriors who bore them in war, in Total War! By blood, fire, and death, these symbols were consecrated and activated! They are the Magikal Futhark of Ragnarok! The Twilight of the Gods, and even more! These Magikal Runes are talismanic psychic weapons to break through into the New Aeon once the finale of this great purification we are experiencing is commenced. Those who have initiated themselves with these Runic frequencies will obtain the Graal. They will become the Immortal UFO men and with their She united in Spirit merged in a green fire and for an Eternity be bound in Perfection.

Armanen Rune Wreath

The Gods are Blood, Iron, Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Wrath! They are Might and Elitism, they are NOT equitable, they are not liberal nor are they conservative, they are POWER and WILL! They are Nature and the True Power of Evolution! Evolution as a spiritual combat against the forces of involution and counter-initiation! And the Gods will split the sheild of the mass neurotics of modern society! May the jaws of the Dragon swallow them up!!!


J. Alexander

Krystal Blood ov Thee Krist.

The Condensation of The True God’s Pure Blood into the World takes place in the babe in their mother’s womb, and that Blood which is the Green Ray manifested becomes the Blood of the babe, and so is that child born destined to be a Vira, a Spiritual Warrior Reborn, into the world to take on a Spiritual combat, if not full material combat against the Demiurge and his biological robots of the world! Later in life at puberty, the Green Ray from Venus-Lucifer/Lucibella saturates their body as well, initiating them from within their Blood. The Heart of their hearts becoming the gateway to the uncreated and transcendent. These children are drawn to subjects of the mysterious and occult, and though drawn to these topics may find them more frightening than other children as it initiates a deep subconscious recollection of the reason they are here. Around the age of 12-13 the born Vira finds themselves drawn to more Occult literature, music that reflects a rebellious attitude, things of that nature, yet they are really seeking Order in their rebellion to this absurd society, a reflection of the interloping consciousness which subjegates it through perception Often they do not fair well in school, though they are intelligent, and they often feel alienated among their peers, though the opposite can be true as well, and they can be naturally social, and they naturally lead other children or teens with their natural charisma. In early adulthood the Green Thunderbolt strikes! An awakening process of Blood memory begins. If one hasn’t devolped a deep admiration for Hitler and the otherworldly Power of the 3rd Reich, this will certainly happen now, and a great curiosity will arise toward the ancestors and ancestral wisdom and knowledge will be sought after, pursued, and consumed like a fire consuming wood. This knowledge and Wisdom awakens the Knowledge and connection to the kin which is and always was part and parcel of his body, soul, and Spirit, and in the Vira who will be led to the New Dispensation of the New Aeon and that is the Revelation of Hitlerism! Finding either the Meistros work or Savitri Devi (and one will lead to the other) will get busy with Magic and Tantra seeking the Graal. He will seek his Her and he will find She!
He will through meditation, ritual, magic, Yantra, Tantra, & Mantra seek the Undivided Truth about Himself and will attain the Revelation and Experiential Gnosis of the Aryan Initiation! The Chakras will be set spinning and set afire! The Kundalini Shakti will ascend and descend in the Mystical Fire Rapture! He now possess the Red Vajra of Immortal Being! He IS the UFO Man! Awakened, living within two realities, or more. And His Beloved there with Him, within Him, united as One. This, of course, takes many years to attain with a strict discipline of meditation, mantras, invocations, and evocations. Generally, being in a state “enflamed with prayer ” with the Mind ceaselessly set upon the magical reality which IS Reality itself! This is the goal! In this state, in purity of thought and purpose, the Graal will appear to you as the White Disk and set upon you its “Shaktipat, It’s Initiation of Light!

The Runic Formula, call it outwardly and vibrate it inwardly, daily! Visualize the Light of White Phosphorous Power as on orb, or disc above your head, a radiating orb, a white sun. Out from that orb, that disc, that white sun a beam shoots into the crown of your head and disperses throughout the body and makes your entire body glowing white, circulate this Light healing all ills, injuries and infirmities. The Light will awaken a sentient light, entering the Vira from the Inside, from the Center, from the heart of the Heart of the Vira, Arising upward from the base of the spine, rising & encompassing Transmuting as each Chakric wheel is initiated and it’s power radiates, gifting that Immortal Flame, awakening the Power of the Vira. Draw the Runic Circle on the ground, in Wotans Name summon the faire and the Elves, allies to the Seer! They will aid you in your quest, for they must! Do not doubt that these Spirits exist, for indeed they do! They will appear to you certainly if you have a Will of Faith. And obcw you see them the Faith is a Knowing.
Lucifer-Kristos-Phosphorous! The God-Hero of Light, the Light of the Immortal Liquor. From within, He emanates outward that potent flame of resurrection. Spinning like the Hakenkreuz, whirlwind, chakra, Power! Ascending toward the 3rd Eye of Wotan, riding the fiery serpent of Paradise. Crowned and Conquering He and She ride Victorious! The violet crown shines like a million black holes, inward, inward, implosive… into another unreality! Gravity defied!!!

Heil! Anno 134 H.E.


The world is haunted, and ghosts do abound. Spirits are everywhere, in every sight and sound. In every form and fleeting thing a spirit does exist. In tree, in rock, in river, in waterfall and mist! In the clouds and lightning! In the moonlight and the moon! In time too they do exist as in December and in June. In snowfall and in every flake, in Sun rays and in the Sun. A spirit for the many and a spirit for the One!

J. Alexander Maximilian

E.V. 2023

E.H. 134

Thee Eagle

The Eagle Unfolds His Wings- Like A Flower Blooming, Like A Fire Igniting! Head On- With Fierce Rapture!

Oh Eagle! Noble and Free From Confines- Initiate Me Into Thy Mysteries, O’ Master Eagle! Show Me How To Fly… Free From Fear and Filled With Fire! Chains Fallen and Laid To Rust By Liberty- I Am Reborn!

You Who Bloom Like Lillies, and In Thy Unfolding, Blood Must Be Shed. In Innocence Is That Blood Let. That is The Price of Immortality-The Serpent Dies and is Reborn With Wings! Such Is The Glory of the Eagle! The Truth It Teaches in Death! Those Who Succumb To Thy Talons are Reborn With Wings-Annihilated and Resurrected!


I have BELIEVED with great passion! Indeed my Faith has never faltered for the All-Father, Thee Fuhrer! My faith, this belief has always been a Knowing! It is not a Faith of blinded trust, no. It is a Faith of Knowing that This Is True! This Knowing, This NOS!

Thee Maestro does not ask us to be passive faithful sheep, but rather to be ACTIVE SEEKERS after Truth! And even more than that to be Transformers of Reality by Will! We are the workers of magical realism. We are Wolves, Lions- however we do not predate those weaker, no! Our strength is to attack the enemy and their lie and to defend our folk firstly, all folk of the world, man and animal, flora and fauna from the enemy… and to turn them towards the Heavens and beyond! To reverse course in the war against entropy. To return to Hyperborea!

“Who is Thee Vira?” you may ask… We are the ones from Venus, from Venus as a gateway by through which we enter in, and more importantly now, the gate by which we will Exit in our return to Paradisimo! We are here to Realize our True Nature and with Alchymical Influence, Transmute this reality! To lift the veil of tyrrany and reveal the Immortal Nature of Ourselves. Unfortunately many Vira are still enraptured in the illusion of Maya. I Am here to serve the Myth, The Revelation through Magikal Realism and Invoke the Hyperborean Reality into this reality, to lift the Veil, if only for myself alone! Which would have a great and powerful effect on The All and so I do it for ALL!This Tantra in the post- Gotterdammerung age is a path for The Anark, it is not for the mere follower but for The Seeker! I/ We walk being guided by The Maestro and Adolf Hitler from the Aethyric Realm encoded in the Green Light which emanates from The Blacksun throughtout the Cosmos and is focused by the Graal on Earth to pinpoint the Viras incarnate here on earth and impart to them the Green Rays Initiation and awaken them to the Truth and their Duty! The Hitlerian, lost in a strange bewildering wilderness of allied modernity follows only the Living Memory of HIM! and NONE other! My heart has no room for imposters, only The One- Herr Wolf! And of course Thee Meistro- Serrano! Hero, Master! Guide of the reincarnated warriors of Gotterdammerung, in this unfolding Apocalypsis-here we are! Who is True? The One who Serves NONE but Thee Maestro and Herr Wolf! With Sieg Bolts pulsing through the blood, making it green. And extending the consciousness throughout the Cosmos transmuting it and retrueving it frim the despotic control of the Demiurge and his biological robots, the jew.

Sig-Tyr! Ur Fa Os Man!
Anno 130 H.E.

The White Disk Hyperborea Unveiled!

Amazed! Awestruck I stand, my jaw clenched in excitement as my eyes reflect the white fire which emanates from before them! Out of nowhere has been unveiled Thee White Disk of Hyperborea. It baptizes me in an energy, of vibrating fire! A moist vapour rises out of my mouth and nose… It tastes of ozone. My beloved stares at me in amazement! And exclaims that I indeed smell of ozone as well. We both look upward in ecstatic bewilderment as The White Disk descends to tree level and gives off 3 flashes of phosphorous white! Thee Gods have descended and blest us! We prostrate in sacred profundity. I see in my mind an image of The Master… Serrano. All of it is True!

Hail to Thee My Meistro! In service to death and beyond!

The Lightning!

That Emerald hued misty light has penetrated my being. Once wilted.. Renewed am I! Struck- from the heart of Veneris into my heart, to the very core of my being, and reinforced is my soul with Will. Reawakened I blossom enraptured in the fiery resurrection against time! And through that twilight gate I exit this golden sunned realm and enter into the Green Lit Realm of Eternal Being in Amor! And The Holy Blacksun Shines Unseen covering me in the Verdant Light impressing upon me and welling up from the Blood! I Recall!


Baldur Returns! Ascendant and Fiery!

Blazing-Gilded by the Sun! From the south pole he ascends in triumphant spectacle to bear the eternal crown of the Vira. Bolts of Green Lightning strike upward from where He stands. The Lord Has Returned! From the Heavens descends a silvery metallic disc which is illumined from within like phosphorous! Baldur, Thee Krist, enters into becoming one with the Disc and is gone in the flash of thought.

That is I! I Am The Great Combatant in this endless ageless war. This war for the very lifeblood of Life Itself! No children of the flesh shall be born through I! I shall give life to Eternal Becoming! I Will unfold in the ecstasy of annihilation and resurrection! And so by Will attain the Holy Graal! I Am Parsifal! I Am Lohengrin! I Am Salvation!

Hail Victory!

An Age is More than Just a Moment in Time

This is the Kaliyuga, well into it do we find ourselves, and no amount of politricking can undo what is a supra-natural occurrence, no one can undo for the multitudes the nature of the Kaalyug. One can live a Satya way of life, or more correctly attempt to do so. However possessing the qualities of the dark age one is corrupted onesself by the very fabric of the Age. But how does a Kaliyuga person acquire, Truly acquire a Satya perspective? I think a person can aspire to the best of their ability to aspire toward Virtue via Right thought, Right speech, Right action. But will always have the perspective of one from KaalYug, and the nature of the Age as well, no matter how virtuous. The two ages are really two entire different realities, two different worlds! I imagine the most upright individual from Kaalyug would be like a dark shadow amongst the shining demigod type peoples who inhabited the Satyayug. Satyug is almost immaterial in a way and we are hardened in this iron age! Hardened to a lower nature of dense materia. Hell realms for example are even denser, with heavier gravities and godless material understandings, and selfish interest and immoral perversions are the norm for hell beings, as they become more so the norm for those in this Age upon the Middle World as it descends even further to its lowest point & ALL are affected by this age of deceit, & self interest! And we are of it.

We are scattered peoples in this inversion of western civilization. Where libertinism is considered Liberty, and enslavement to vice is Liberation! Oh how special is the human who can See and discern Righteousness in this age of confusion! Rightousness is Right Thought, Right Speech, & Right Action. It is nothing more nor nothing less than these three actions. Virtue exists in Action not just nice thoughts, or nice sayings, but Right ACTION! So form thyself in correct Understanding and go forth and War against The Lie!

Invocation of Thee Blacksun and Thee White Disk of Hyperborea!

Oh Black Sun invisible engine of existence- ever in motion and yet ever at rest, rotating and giving all things their motion. Great Power of Sentience pour forth over me that Beauteous Light! Oh Green Ray- Emerald Lightning of Illuminating
Wisdom radiating forth from the central core of the Blacksun into the universe- setting All Stars aflame with Life & Will! Descend upon me- from there at that Central Point from which You emanate and cover me in that moist heavy duey Light that it may penetrate my being to my very core, to the marrow of my bones- to the very core of my Spiritual Essence and transmute I by implosion into Thee Eternal UFO MAN!

Ur Fa Os Man! !naM sO aF rU

I invoke Thee Oh White Disc of Hyperborea! LUCIFER! KRISTOS! PHOSPHOROUS! Be unveiled before me with Thy radiating Phosphorus light and let it descend upon me and inflame me with that Great Power! Infuse in me that ancient wisdom! Initiate me into the great Mysteries of Individuation. Lead me to Ur that I may return and be made whole again! Let me return to Ur oh great disc of phosphoressence you from hyperborea. Through the central portion of my essential being, through the center I expand, and I as well implode! Through the center of the Blacksun I return to Ur!


Beneath the Surface

Lurking unseen beneath the veil of reality- watching, manipulating.

To think of the alien phenomenon as a recent event in time which just so happens to occur, coinciding with humanities “advances” in its first baby steps technologically in such a way as we are experiencing is implausible. Certainly it is not impossible as all that can be thought up can be a reality, and in some other dimension may be the reality. But greatly implausible is the notion that just as we begin to barely obtain technological prowess, another advanced race of beings just happens to show up from another planet. This is what makes the idea seem like some kind of collective neurosis in the heads of debunkers. The more logical idea in the phenomenon that appears as greatly illogical is that these beings are nothing new and have not just happened upon us at this time by all coincidence. But rather are somehow themselves guiding mankinds seeming advancements, and humanities “evolution” altogether.

Where do ideas come from? And are they always good? Are they always human in origin? And to what are we advancing? Where is technology supposed to take us? To what supposed noble end is this all being engineered for? And why is there sudden “advances” in technology? Just where do ideas themselves come from? When the system and its scientists speak of technology it is almost always in terms which makes material technology seem like some great destiny humanity has always had, written in the stars by all paradox. With humanity reaping a great benefit such as world peace… But this type of material technology will only be used in the perpetuating of violence and oppression as long as humans themselves are dysfunctional and engaged in false perception, especially as But also because high technology is not a human invention.

Man is not an island unto himself, even in his own thoughts. He feels so secure and hidden away within his own mind. Evil thoughts, evil deeds, one leads unto the other and the deed creates a feed back of negative energy haunting the individual. But the idea is never ones own until one engages it by These thoughts arise from a pool of consciousness called the collective unconscious, a psycho-spiritual ocean of thought, and pre-thought, ideas, the imaginal, memory of the past, the forgotten wounds of time- genetic memories stored in the blood, etc. So in effect thoughts are not our own in their origin, we make them ours through attention, focus, and will. But they arise from an ocean where all human minds meet, and at deeper levels where ALL MIND meets entering into the material. The non-dual unitive origin of consciousness.

This being the reality of what composes thought it is no far fetched idea itself to understand that other forces, other minds are at play in our own lives. Directing the direction humanity takes as well at a more personal level… directing individuals themselves through their ideas and experiences. Of course we would assume that those with leadership positions and duties in all fields… especially things like “entertainment” (which is always propaganda) would be the main focus of whatever intelligence is seeking to guide the human race toward whatever end it is seeking. And all of this unknown to the greater percentage of people. Even those under great influence. They would believe all ideas their own.

UFOs, the mysterious discs of unknown origin haunting the collective mind of humanity. Popularly imagined to be creatures from another planet just exploring this newly discovered world and is engaged in studying humanity as we study some other animals. By capturing, tagging, and studying their behavior. This is the popular idea concerning the UFOs. Other more serious ideas hypothesize that due to the alien race, specifically the ones called “greys” lacking in some sort of way whether due to a genetic entropy over millenia or perhaps they lack some sort of spiritual connection humans have, they are engaged in some sort of hybrid program to obtain that genetic or spiritual something they lack. It would certainly make sense to conclude that they may be lacking in some way. But perhaps tbey are not lacking in any way and are just following some directive? This is a mystery and so whatever insight I possess into this phenomenon is due to the fact that I am involved in the UFO phenomenon, as an “abductee-contactee”, whatever that means, but also as an occultist of 22 years in training my intuition. Through stilling of the mind I have acquired insight beyond the typical modern human being and have arrived at the conclusion that humanity is not really the one in control. Actually as should be obvious to anyone with a Mind and awarwness. The real Masters of Reality stay veiled, unseen behind the aethyric curtain. An ancient race of some sort.

There are reports of another Alien race, seemingly more benevolent, offering consoling words and spiritual insight to people they supposedly channel through. But actual reports of them interacting with people and sightings of their disks do exist as well. They stand 8-12 ft tall, being classically Nordic in appearance, white skin, blonde or black hair with piercing blue, or green eyes. They are called Nordics or Pleiadians due to them supposedly coming from the Pleiades star group. I believe this group of aliens is very real, and believe they are attempting to locate and make contact with certain individuals to assist in their Spiritual Formation in their combat against the Archons. I am however greatly skeptical of channeled information not for a lack of thinking it impossible, but due to my suspicion of peoples motives who channel.

All in all I am certain that something other is very much in charge of human society and trajectory. I do not think this is a new phenomenon but do think that the agendas work has been stepped up and is accelerated moving toward transhumanism and A.I. which will not be liberating nor transcendent. It will be a means to absolute control!